8 August 2020 — Victim/Aggressor/Redeemer

A new day has just started. So how was yesterday for us? What role did we play — did we feel VICTIMISED or were we at pains to: ‘get our own back’ thereby becoming the AGGRESSOR?

OR were we able to shrug our shoulders, take a deep breath and REDEEM the situation by accepting it and feeling love for ourselves simply by realising that someone else’s problem with US, is just that THEIR PROBLEM, we DO NOT have to allow it to become OUR PROBLEM?

We find it so easy to take on board other’s problems with us simply because so often it propels us into our childhood and we see the other person as a CRITICAL PARENT and we automatically relive the feeling of never being able to get anything right. THEN, we have the choice as how we react: only in reality we are more likely to react automatically and spontaneously instead of weighing up the situation and acting in a way which is appropriate IN THE MOMENT.

PONDER POINTS …People whom I often see as being aggressive to me are….. the ways in which I respond in situations where I feel people are treating me unfairly are …. the last time I felt victimised was when …. the last time I believe myself to have acted aggressively was when… the last time I feel I redeemed the situation by not allowing someone’s problem with me become mine with them was when …

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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