8 December 2018 — LIGHT AND LOVE — The Spirit of Christmas
So what is the SPIRIT of Christmas? Light, Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy, Selflessness, Egolessness ? Or is it flurry and worry? Wanting to get it right? Wanting others to get it right where we are concerned? Perhaps a mixture of the two. Or, is it Righteousness — acting in an ethical manner according to the teachings of a higher power -God or our higher self?
It is hard sometimes, not to get drawn into the commercial aspect of Christmas time wanting to buy the ‘best’ present. not so much to please the recipient but to impress them. Very often Christmas does give us a headache rather than bringing peace and joy. And, of course, for many of us it is a strong reminder of the people with whom we once spent Christmas time but are no longer around. I find myself getting caught up in the worry and flurry of wanting to get it ‘right’ but then I take a deep breath, practice the ‘butterfly’ meditation in which I see my thoughts become butterflies flying down from my head into my solar plexus, accepting whatever feelings are there. In this way I can experience inner peace. light and love and recapture the SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS by remembering the joy of Christmas and the love I feel for family and friends and the delight which come from loving and bringing joy to them. When we suspend our rational minds and allow both brain hemispheres to be balanced the Point of Power becomes ours through the exercise of our intuitive minds which will allow us to know what will bring them joy.
The other aspect of the conventional Christmas is, of course, to use it as an excuse for behaviour we wouldn’t normally indulge in - drinking more than usual, feeling it is OK to act outrageously and generally fitting in with workmates, friends and family. And, of course, using Christmas time as an excuse to let one’s hair down is totally fine if we balance it with a more righteous attitude afterwards. Be pleased that we had fun but remember that at Christmas time we have an opportunity to indulge ourselves in joy, love and harmony as well.
PONDER POINTS: How I feel about Christmas is ….. How I responded to what I have just read is ….