9 February 2019 — It is the Heart That Reaches The Goal
How many times do we talk ourselves out of our heart’s desires simply through fear of it actually happening or, the feeling that we don’t deserve, or it won’t happen. I am talking about the HEART and NOT the MIND. We often allow the mind to fantasise and crave for unrealistic things which, if they do come to fruition do not bring much joy.
“It is the heart that reaches the goal. Follow the heart, for a pure heart seeks beyond the intellect — it gets inspired”. (Sri Sathya Sai Baba) And I’m sure that most of us are able to recall, both, those occasions when we did follow our heart’s desires and those occasions when we let our minds talk us out of our heart’s desires. Too often we allow FEAR to win. FEAR of thinking we don’t deserve or we are not good enough etc etc. Most of us will have experienced occasions when we have experienced conflict about following our hearts desires and talked ourselves out of following our dreams and perhaps can recall the futility and disappointment of ‘not going for it’.