This has become a problem for me just lately because in a McDonalds cafe which I frequent, I, and all the other customers, are ‘pestered’ by a certain gentleman to give him the stickers which appear on the sides of the coffee and tea cups and which, when one has collected enough of them are exchangeable for a free drink.
The very fact that I use the word ‘pestered’ is indicative of the fact that understanding, love and compassion is lacking in me. The gentleman in question would appear to have some mental difficulties and most certainly does deserve COMPASSION. But ‘therein lies the rub’ — words Shakespeare put into Hamlet’s mouth — as in this situation my compassion is totally non-existent.
Two avenues open to me are to either stop frequenting the cafe or to discover why I find his behaviour so annoying. I am, of course, totally giving my Point of Power away to him by becoming irritated and feeling powerless to deal with the situation. The only option open to me is to discover WHY I allow the situation to bother me and WHY I am totally lacking in compassion for him. I desperately need to discover what it is I am NOT facing in myself which causes the my problem with this situation.