9 September 2018 — Never Do Today what You Can Put Off Til Tomorrow

Ha Ha! The saying I was brought up with, was, of course, Never Put Off Til Tomorrow What You Can Do Today. However, at the moment I continue to put off doing what i keep promising myself I will do.


With reference to yesterday’s blog entitled PASSIONS AND PREJUDICES I do feel that I AM PASSIONATE about this project and on one level it is something I really wish to do. It is certainly NOT something feel I ‘ought to do’ or ‘should do’ re my socialisation.

The saying ‘It is our success and not our failure we fear’ may apply here. I talk much about the illusion of duality and how we erroneously believe ourselves to be separate from all else thereby denying our wholeness and the wholeness of the world which I call formless energy. But the duality which stops me going forward at the moment is the duality within myself. On one level I would like to put my views ‘out there’ in the world for those for whom it might just strike a bell , however few, they may be. BUT on another level I don’t want to stick my neck out for fear of getting it cut off. SO THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION POSED in the second paragraph — WHY? would seem to be FEAR. And what makes it worse is that what I do is entirely my choice as I have no-one telling me I should do ‘this’ and mustn’t do ‘that. However much we tell ourselves we have overcome our socialisation we are NOT FREE SPIRITS because on some level of our subconscious minds we are ruled by the way our parents, teachers and peers pressurised us into behaving.

PONDER POINTS: What I think and feel abut what I have just read is ….What I have been telling myself I would like to do now is ….. I have no problem doing it because ….. I keep putting it off because …. What I am aware that I fear is ….

Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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