Today I feel sad because a young girl, the granddaughter of friends became very attached to me — an old lady. She would ask to go out with me and we visited many places in Bristol. I always expected that sooner or later we would arrive at a day when she no longer wished to be friends with me. Now this has happened, however, I am feeling very sad.

I need to feel my sadness and allow it to rise and fall until is dissipates aware of the fact that ALL THINGS CHANGE.

PONDER POINTS: My thoughts on reading this are …. my feelings on reading this are … what I feel I may be attached to is ….how I cope with change is …



Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now
Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

Written by Barbara Thorne: The Point of Power is Now

My writing is based on the understanding that ‘we’, (each of us individually) create our own reality through our feelings, thoughts and actions.

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