This morning once again, the occasion arose whereby I was speaking to a receptionist whose energy I find disconcerting. I found myself politely telling her that there was no need to be so aggressive.
ever since I have been feeling sorry that I dealt with the situation in this way. She is not English, I don’t know how long she has been in England but I suspect she still finds some of our ways a little strange. I am aware that like all of us, she is doing ‘the best she can’ at any one moment.
The problem I would say is that she is rather low in self esteem and has formed an idea in her mind as to how she need to do her job and has become an ‘it’s more than my job’s worth…..not to do ‘this’ or ‘that’ Person.
Where was my compassion and understanding I ask myself? Why wasn’t my self esteem strong enough NOT to respond so forcibly?