8 November 2022 —
Today I found myself in a situation with which I didn’t cope very well. My problem, I’m sure, but being called ‘my lovely’ makes me feel patronised , put down and very cross. Not only, did the woman assistant call me ‘my lovely’ once , she used the phrase at least three times.
Why should I care so much? I do see it as her problem — a way of making herself feel good. Would anyone high in self esteem call someone else ‘my lovely’? Of course, the fact that I am an older woman I suspect has something to do with my being called ‘my lovely’ by others but I do feel it would be good to be seen as a female rather than an ‘old lady’, even if I am one.
Perhaps what upsets me the most is that on one level it may be termed as ‘sexism’ OR do men get called ‘my lovely’?
PONDER POINTS: my thoughts on reading the above were…my feelings on reading the above are ….