According to Sri Sathya Sai Baba these are TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, LOVE, and NON VIOLENCE.
Christmas is all about love, peace and non violence and hopefully truth and righteousness are present as well.
However, as with everything there are two sides to every coin and sometimes Christmas brings out selfishness, desire, and the need to out do others with present giving. For some of us who have recently lost a loved one it can also be a very sad time. And for others it is an excuse to forget life and its problems through feeling justified in drinking too much!
However, I like to feel that LOVE is IN THE AIR around Christmas time and that generally people do feel warmed and cheered by the season. AND that perhaps it is easier for us all to act from the five flowers of TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, LOVE and NON VIOLENCE at Christmas time.
PONDER POINTS: My feelings on reading the above were …. my thoughts on reading the above are ….. how I view the Christmas period is ,,,,for me the feelings Christmas times brings up are …..